Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kill us ALL … please!

Opinion by William Wilczewski


(Notes scribbled on the underside of an empty box of Kleenex …)

This is not a rant.

It’s a joke.

There are Mexicans out there; build a wall.

You’re too fat; that’s bad, so you’re bad … and I must do something to stop you.

You’re too skinny; that’s bad, so you’re bad … and I must do something to stop you.

Gay? Also bad; easy solution, kill them all.

Same for pigs … ooops, I mean cops.

Well, actual pigs are dirty, as well, so kill them all, too, while we’re at it. (Just make sure to save and cook the bacon. Sorry PETA.)

You can add to the list: blacks, whites, Asians, anyone that’s foreign to where you’re from and any other category we put on ourselves or others put on us to either make us feel special or different.

Screw France; here’s your nightclub bomb.

North, South, East, West … let’s spread it around like the swastika that’s presumably derived from Native American devotion of the earth’s four corners, but was crucified and eternally damned by a Nazi regime that transformed the symbol into the epitome of a hate symbol.

Might as well.

We’ve already lost a oneness identity that can save us by uniting us because we have allowed special interest groups and special agendas make us think we must fight back for OUR cause, forgetting that our ultimate cause should be peace for US ALL.

But, who am I?

No one.

But, at least for the moment, I am the one talking to you, Mr. and Mrs. U.S. citizen.

I am also talking to you, immigrant, green card holder, Canadian, European, Frenchman, Iraqi, ISIS war-monger, mom, dad and that apple pie and Chevy truck parked on that flag-burning front lawn of ours.


Yes, that’s the answer.

Or is it?

It used to be, but now I’m not so sure.

Nope. It’s not enough anymore.

But, while we all continue to do just that, instead doing something more than just gaining media attention, all the world’s special interest groups profit in more ways than one, while we wage our simple little wars against ourselves in the name of “what’s right.”

And THEY laugh all the way to the bank—and morgue.

But don’t get me wrong, it’s your fault the world is going to hell, so you deserve the pain.

You’re rich, you stole for it.

Your poor, you deserve it—and are the reason drugs, HIV and all the world’s other evils have been unleashed on me and my society; the same society that we—if you haven’t been bombed or shot to death YET— are watching implode together.

It’s not quite like the campfires with grandpa when we were kids, but what can you expect.

Sure, this may sound like just a rant; someone speaking only of problems yet offering no solutions.

But, the solution starts by understanding that we have a problem ( … mic drop here … ).

Understanding that we must finally stand together in peace and love before our stances against each other continue to dwindle our numbers out of the violence, blood lust and the mob mentality that has seeped into our collective veins as members of Planet Earth.

Wait …

What’s that you say?

Oh, yeah, you’re right …

On second thought, scratch all that.

Left-handed redheads are to blame.


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